Hey, gang.

I'm Bill.

I created Shortwave – a platform for adaptive podcast hosting, syndication, and analytics.

I am a product and engineering leader with a focused experimentation and conversion optimization background and a taste for analytics-driven MVP delivery. I'm the Engineering Manager for Mobile Chat, Member Impersonation Tooling, CMS, Targeted Content, and User Segmentation at Rally Health, both leading the architectural efforts and managing the teams tasked with evolving these experiences at Rally.

I've led technology at small companies, most recently as Chief Technology Officer at Direct by Vaystays, an operations, customer experience, and distribution software platform for professional vacation rental management companies.

I have also led engineering efforts within optimization and experimentation at much larger companies, some being Raise Marketplace, Expedia Inc., and Orbitz Worldwide. The teams I have built and I are responsible for creating both the framework for, and the mindset around lightweight A/B experimentation within these companies' eCommerce experiences. I have a proven record of building A/B testing development practices from the ground up, focusing on experimenting and optimizing across all product verticals while simultaneously accelerating and training specific product teams to do the same.

I’m the author of Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web, a book on the processes of building code-driven data visualization upon the principles of responsive and API-first web design.

I make neat things pretty regularly, write occasionally, and fly to different cities as often as I can to speak about the future of web architecture, data visualization, and cross-platform design.

If you're looking for more detail, this is my résumé. It's always up-to-date, unless you print it out.